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Last Free Monday Morning Coffee

Come enjoy free coffee, light refreshments, and good fellowship!
This will be our last Free Monday Morning Coffee for the summer. For those who have visited us, thank you for your presence!

The Bible Study group has hosted a drop-in coffee time at the church for the last few months. Everyone from the congregation and community were invited.  We have seen how God has unexpectedly lead many from the community through our doors. Though this is our last event for the season, we continue to hope and pray that this will continue to be a safe and warm place where people can come for free coffee/refreshments and conversation, etc.  We have greatly appreciated the support of all who made this possible week after week!

If you have any questions, call Peter Cheshire (705-549-5226) or Donna Drapkin (705-533-2339).  Please continue to pray for this outreach for our town and its return in the Fall!

Earlier Event: May 26
Sunday Service
Later Event: May 29
Last Bible Study