A Message to First's Family of Faith (From the desk of the Clerk of Session)

March 27, 2020

Dear Church Family:

The Board of Managers and Session have been discussing these “without precedence” times, and the non-ordinary challenges they present to a host of daily activities, including the format for practicing our faith. The Board Members take seriously their responsibility  for the care and maintenance of property, the collection and management of funding, and the physical safety/well being of those  both serving the congregation and congregants attending our programs. 

  1. To be in compliance with provincial dictates regarding only keeping open essential services, we suggest that the sanctuary and assembly halls be closed until further notice. Excluded from this will be our minister, the organist as needed, and our custodians to keep our complex safe and clean-(dust and flies do not follow provincial edicts).

  2. Regarding our offering: reminding our congregation that even though the building is closed  the church has ongoing expenses. The BOM is suggesting 3 options for contributions;

a. Mail your collection, in the form of a cheque, with envelope number, to the church address, 20 Robert St E. Penetanguishene L9M 1K9, Attn Board of Managers, and monthly would suffice

b. Encourage members to chose this time to select the PAR offering format, and you do that by phoning or emailing our envelope secretary,  Jill St. Amant, 705 549-4142  jillmstamant @gmail.com

c. Those wishing to continue using “offering envelopes” with cash or cheque, a deposit box marked Offering will be placed inside the parking lot doors, and access to it will be Tues. & Thurs. between 9am - 11am. To reduce contamination the hall will be cordoned off from the rest of the building. We believe these actions to be in our member's best interests.

Rev. William will be posting a weekly worship service online and mailing printed materials to people who don't have email.  Church services and our Annual Congregational Meeting are regretfully cancelled until further notice.

We have a calling committee who are reaching out and people who are willing to drop off groceries to you.  We are a family that care and support one another so if you need us please call your elder or call Rev. William 705 549-2776.


Peace and Comfort,

Shirley Spearn 
Clerk of Session on behalf of our elders