Red Letters 12 - Blessed Are the Pure in Heart

Prelude - "Jesus Loves Me" - The Late John Coull & Ross Compton 

Call to Worship  
One: God calls the servant-Christ to sustain the weary:  
Many: the ones in exile, the ones in despair, the ones who are afraid.  
One: Jesus enters the city in humility:  
Many: lauded by the crowds: “Hosanna! Save us!” questioned by the powers that be, betrayed and denied by his friends.  One: We watch with unease and bewilderment,  Many: complicit with the fickle crowd, misunderstanding true power, frightened and looking to our own interests.  One: Lord, have mercy  
Many: Christ, have mercy  
One: Lord, have mercy  
Let us pray (Together):  
Creator God,  
we give thanks to you for you are good,  
your steadfast love endures forever.  
We seek courage for the living of these days.  
Let the same mind be in us  
that was in Christ Jesus,  
so that we may give ourselves in love and humility  
to further your purpose of life for the world.  
So may all people come to know  
the height and depth of your redeeming love;  
through Jesus Christ our crucified and risen Lord. Amen. 

Hymn - "All Glory, Laud & Honour" 

Organist Solo - "I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord Forever" 

Scripture Readings

Psalm 24 (Old Testament) 
Matthew 21: 1-11 (New Testament)
Matthew 5: 8 (Red Letters)

Children's Moment - "The Story of Easter (The Triumphal Entry)" (

Sermon - Red Letters 12: Blessed Are The Pure in Heart 

Praise - "God Is Coming" 

Closing Prayer & Benediction 

Closing Hymn - "It is Well With My Soul" 

*** FOR OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL KIDS Please check out RightNow Media (, login and locate the First Presbyterian Church Library on the left hand side. There you will find a channel dedicate to Sunday school with all the songs and shows that we've been watching at church! To Sign Up Click Here

Please continue to pray with us, and for one another, as we endeavour to remain connected in these challenging times! May this week's online service be a blessing to you and yours! Have a blessed Holy Week!