Dead to Sin, Alive to God (Easter Sunday)

"Shall We Gather At the River" - Vicki Thompson & Ross Compton 

Call to Worship  One: God raised Jesus on the third day  
Many: Christ is risen! Alleluia!  One: Let us take our tambourines and dance,  
Many: Christ is risen! Alleluia!  One: With the risen one in our midst,  
Many: the graveyard becomes a garden; grief turns to gladness, tears to laughter. There is a new creation!  One: With the risen one in our midst,  
Many: life defeats death, love overcomes hatred, hope replaces fear.  One: This is the good news of the gospel!  
Many: Christ is risen! We are risen! Alleluia!  
Let us pray:  
Creator God,  
in raising Jesus from the dead,  
you have made the world brand new.  
We praise you with joy and thanksgiving!  
May we live daily as Easter people  
bringing life, love and hope to all the world;  
through Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.  

"Jesus Christ is Risen Today" - Verse 1 only 

Scripture Readings 
New Testament: Romans 6:1-14 
Gospel: Matthew 28: 1-10 

Children's Moment "The Story of Easter (God With Us)"

"Dead to Sin, Alive to God" 

Responsive Prayer & Lord's Prayer 
"Jesus is Lord" - Ross Compton 

"Man of Sorrows" 


FOR OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL KIDS Please check out RightNow Media (, login and locate the First Presbyterian Church Library on the left hand side. There you will find a channel dedicate to Sunday school with all the songs and shows that we've been watching at church! To Sign Up: *** VISIT US to at to sign up for our weekly bulletin and emails, and for more information. Please continue to pray with us, and for one another, as we endeavour to remain connected in these challenging times! May this week's online service be a blessing to you and yours! Christ is Risen!