Created in His Likeness

"Created in God's Image"

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Genesis 1:26-31 English Standard Version (ESV)

26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

27 So God created man in his own image,
    in the image of God, he created him;
    male and female he created them

28 And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” 

29 And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. 

30 And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so. 

31 And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

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In the story of Genesis, when God created humanity, we read something very important.  As God created all things He spoke light and life into existence: all of the mountains, valleys and seas, all of the creatures of the heavens, earth and sea. He created them out of nothing, with no template. But when He came to man and woman… He created them in His likeness.

I would ask we take a moment to consider the weight of this.  Because, the knowledge that we were created in God’s image, should bring us to re-evaluate who we are before God.  It should bring us to examine ourselves, and about where we lay our self worth.  Do we define ourselves by this world? Do we allow the world to define us? Are we measuring our self-worth on the true scale and measure that is God? Or are we seeking to find ourselves in the pages of self-help books? When we look in the mirror do we see an image bearer of God? Or do we see simply our flaws and failures? Or on the other hand, do we see our own prideful seemingly self-created success and victories? Do we define ourselves by our insecurities or our boasts?

Who are we?

We are not our bank accounts. We are not our houses or cars. We are not our clothing. We are not our belongings. We are not our education. We are not our sicknesses. We are not our age. We are not our culture. We are not our sins. 

We are. You are. The bearer of God’s image. 

And you were not only fearfully and wonderfully made, but you were fearfully and wonderfully, in His image.  And the weight of that truth, when it becomes true in our hearts… when we believe it… When we own it… When we listen and accept it… Is powerful enough to do away with all our insecurities and fears and anxieties.  For not only are we created in God’s image.  But we are loved by the very God who created us. 

But to be image bearers of God is not simply tied to our identities… But also tied to our responsibilities and roles in this world.  For as we read, God created humanity and blessed them to rule and have dominion over this world, and to do so as God’s emissaries and ambassadors. Which means that we would rule over the creation of this world with the same goodness and righteousness and justice of God… That we would rule the world is fairness and love… With graciousness and compassion… To be a blessing to the world… So that the world may flourish through and in us. 

Many are saying that this pandemic must be a result of how poorly humanity has treated this world. And it seems in the few weeks where humanity was locked down in their homes, creation seemed to breath a sigh of relief. God created humanity to be then stewards of His creation. And in this to enjoy life in relationship with Him and His creations.

But also with one another. 

Being reminded that we are created in God’s image should also cause us to examine how we view others. Because all the truths about who we are, fearfully and wonderfully made then applies to absolutely everyone. Every person. Every child. Every elder. Every teenager. Regardless of culture or language or sexuality or social status. Every person you encounter at Tim Horton’s, or on the street…  All whom are created in God’s likeness… All who are bearer’s of God’s image.  

They are not their bank accounts. They are not their houses or cars. They are not their clothing. They are not their belongings. They are not their education. They are not their sicknesses. They are not their age. They are not their culture. They are not their sins. 

They are first and foremost, God’s image. 

Then we ought to be reminded of the sanctity of all human life. 

In the past couple of weeks, the world seems to have exploded in the face of injustice. The death of George Floyd has been one too many senseless deaths causing people to rise up in anger against the systemic racial oppression that still continues today. It is causing people to lift up their voices shouting that Black Lives Matter, as if that is something that we shouldn’t already know!

And for us the children of God, who know that we were created in His image, who know that Christ came to die on the Cross for the sinner and who know that Christ came to die for all people and who rose again to restore unto all people the divine dignity that they were created for…. This should matter to us. For we know that any death by the hands of injustice in the eyes of God is wicked and is evil.  And so for our brothers and sisters who live daily in fear for their lives in ways that we will never truly understand… May we stand in solidarity… Lamenting the state of our societies and nations. 

We must be reminded that it is not only you and I who were created in God’s image, to know the benefits of His love and grace… But that this is true for all people… For all His children….For the Black lives who have been lost… For the Indigenous lives who have been lost… For all the victims of oppression and abuse and for all the marginalized. How dare we then dismiss another human being in any way shape or form? They who are bearer’s of God’s holy and divine image. They who were created in His likeness. They who were fearfully and wonderfully made.

Brothers and sisters.  Just as Jesus came to bear the pain and suffering the weight of our sins upon His shoulders for you and for I, Jesus bled for every person who have been marginalized because of the colour of their skin.  As much as Jesus is for you… Remember that Jesus is for them.  In fact… Jesus was them! He stood in their place, mocked and tortured, shamed and hung on a tree, to die in their place so that they should not have to die. And yet here we stand in a time where people like George Floyd and Breonna Taylor should not have died.  And while we may be quick to point the finger… And while it is right that we are uncomfortable and even just angry at the injustices being perpetuated in this world. 

May we first repent of all the ways that we know and all the ways we are not even aware, of how we perpetuate racism. May we repent of the ways in which we choose to be indifferent and silent when injustices prevail. May we repent of our complacency and our apathy.  May we repent of how we have been complicit in allowing injustices to continue.  May we repent of how we have not recognized our privilege. May we repent of how we have perhaps valued ourselves and our friends and families as image bearers of God… but were quick to forget that all people were created in His image. 

And may we ask the Lord to help us be better. 

Be better at listening.
Be better at living in solidarity with the hurting
Be better at fighting against evil in this world. 
Be better at being aware of the injustices in this world. 
Be better at being anti-racist.
Be better at raising our voices for the voiceless.
Be better at valuing the brokenhearted as God values them. 

May we ask the Lord to help us be the Church He desires for us to be in these days of uncertainty. 
That we may be His light. That we may be His emmisaries. That we may be His ambassadors. That we may be His image-bearers who live justly for the sake of His kingdom and glory. 
