Online Services on Indefinite Hiatus

As of 2023, our pre-recorded online services that have helped us throughout the pandemic, will be going on an indefinite hiatus. The Session will be looking at alternative options to continue to serve those who continue to worship from home. We extend an enormous thank you for those who have continued to worship with us over the years, and thank all those who have contributed in various ways to the services. For those of you who are able, we hope you will be encouraged to come to our in-person services on Sundays at 10:30AM.

Most of our past Online Services remain available for viewing on our Youtube Channel here.
You can also visit our Sermons page for audio recordings of recent services.

From the Desk of the Clerk of Session

Dear Friends:  Greetings from session.

We are missing being together, we want to worship together, break bread together and greet one another face to face. We are getting isolation fatigue and want things to return to normal.

Representatives from Session, Board of Managers and Leading with Care met this week, to consider the eventual opening of our sanctuary. We are carefully considering pastoral care and needs of our congregation in planning re-opening. We are staying updated with the advice of public health officials. We want to make responsible, faithful, thoughtful and lawful decisions.

We are developing a phased approach to re-opening in accordance with government and PCC guidlines about public worship and gatherings. Session want to protect the vulnerable and since all are vulnerable in varying degrees to this pandemic, we will not put people at further risk. We will be adhering to all health care directives and taking all measures to be safe and reduce risks.

Even after we have worship services in the sanctuary Rev. Min will continue to send out online services and will continue to have a mail out to people who do not have a computer. There will be those who cannot and should not come to public worship.

We are preparing a survey so that we will be more aware of your needs and hopes so we can better plan for re-opening. We will continue to update you as to when we can safely re-open.

Thank you to all who continue to work at bringing us God's word and music with the online worship services. It is only with Rev. William's remarkable skills that it can all be synchronized and sent out. He has made it very easy to join the service, just click where indicated on the email that he sends on Sunday morning.  Although we cannot see one another it does connect all of us who are watching at 10am. 

Thank you to the Pastoral Care team and to everyone who have been providing support and love to our family of faith.  Please leave a message on the church answering machine, it is checked daily by our minister. Just ask if you would like to speak to him or an elder or be added to the Pastoral call list. Rev. William is at the church on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9 - 11 am

Our expenses are still ongoing for the building and our staff, so we encourage those who can to continue with your offering.  We are grateful for your support. You can do this by mailing your cheque to the church, dropping it off on Tuesday or Thursday between 9 - 11am or the easiest, by PAR speaking to Jill StAmant 705 549-4142 or email who will set it up for you.  The financial statements for the year 2019 are available upon request and can be emailed to you or copies can be picked up at the church.

Hope you enjoyed the church video of activities from 2019. We are grateful to Jean Hall who did a exceptional job of putting the video together.

Thank you to Ann and Ernie Corbeau who continue to keep our building clean and safe. Ernie's birthday was this week,  Happy Birthday Ernie ! 🎈🎉

Our elder Kirk Weldon is taking a well deserved retirement from active eldership after many years at First and before that at other churches. Ken Hicks will be retiring as chairperson of the Board of Managers as soon as a replacement can be found.  We are deeply appreciative of Kirk and Ken's commitment to these committees, we have counted on their wisdom and experience, they will be truly missed. 

Remember we are all here to do God's good works by encouraging others. We will get through this together.

We pray for God's peace that comes from knowing that "Your Faith is Bigger than Your Fear".

Shirley Spearn Clerk of Session on behalf of the elders                                                                                                                                                        Jim Anderson, Trish Cheshire, Peter Cheshire, Klaas Koiter, Gary Ronald 

A Message to First's Family of Faith (From the desk of the Clerk of Session)

March 27, 2020

Dear Church Family:

The Board of Managers and Session have been discussing these “without precedence” times, and the non-ordinary challenges they present to a host of daily activities, including the format for practicing our faith. The Board Members take seriously their responsibility  for the care and maintenance of property, the collection and management of funding, and the physical safety/well being of those  both serving the congregation and congregants attending our programs. 

  1. To be in compliance with provincial dictates regarding only keeping open essential services, we suggest that the sanctuary and assembly halls be closed until further notice. Excluded from this will be our minister, the organist as needed, and our custodians to keep our complex safe and clean-(dust and flies do not follow provincial edicts).

  2. Regarding our offering: reminding our congregation that even though the building is closed  the church has ongoing expenses. The BOM is suggesting 3 options for contributions;

a. Mail your collection, in the form of a cheque, with envelope number, to the church address, 20 Robert St E. Penetanguishene L9M 1K9, Attn Board of Managers, and monthly would suffice

b. Encourage members to chose this time to select the PAR offering format, and you do that by phoning or emailing our envelope secretary,  Jill St. Amant, 705 549-4142  jillmstamant

c. Those wishing to continue using “offering envelopes” with cash or cheque, a deposit box marked Offering will be placed inside the parking lot doors, and access to it will be Tues. & Thurs. between 9am - 11am. To reduce contamination the hall will be cordoned off from the rest of the building. We believe these actions to be in our member's best interests.

Rev. William will be posting a weekly worship service online and mailing printed materials to people who don't have email.  Church services and our Annual Congregational Meeting are regretfully cancelled until further notice.

We have a calling committee who are reaching out and people who are willing to drop off groceries to you.  We are a family that care and support one another so if you need us please call your elder or call Rev. William 705 549-2776.


Peace and Comfort,

Shirley Spearn 
Clerk of Session on behalf of our elders

URGENT: All gatherings and services have been cancelled

Dear Friends, 

In light of the ever evolving COVID-19 pandemic, the Session of First Presbyterian Church have decided to cancel all upcoming weekly gatherings, events and services until further notice. Please stay home!  This is as much for yourselves as an act of care towards those around us as well. 

We will continue to pray for those who are more directly impacted by this virus; the ill, the medical personnel at the frontlines of this crisis, and the families who may potentially be separated during their travels.  May we trust in the Lord who is our refuge and strength, a source of help and assurance in times of trouble (Psalm 46)

We will be uploading our services online at our new YouTube channel here.

Please also find below a letter written by a friend who is a medical practitioner regarding their current perspective on this vitally important window of opportunity. 

In Christ,
-Rev. William 


We are all currently facing challenging times in the light of the new COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. I pray that with God’s wisdom we can get through these trying times together.

I write this letter as a currently practicing family physician here in Ontario to highlight the urgency of the issues we are facing NOW. In a nutshell, the media / government / the public in large still have not grasped the urgency of the outbreak. Looking at the pattern of the virus we now know that eventually FIVE PERCENT of all infected people will end up in hospital requiring MECHANICAL VENTILATION for up to a month in order to fight the virus. The issue is that in all of Canada we ONLY HAVE 3170 hospital beds available with means to deliver the intensive care. Canada currently has a population of 37 million. We have learnt that unless the early spread of the virus is contained, countries can end up with 30-70% of its population infected. In the best scenario.. 37 million times 30%.... far outnumbers the 3170 intensive care beds.

The ONLY THING we can do currently is to practice STRICT SOCIAL DISTANCING. This means staying home unless your life depends on it. This would include work / shopping / meetings, etc. Over the weekend, we family doctors all over Canada have begun to set up phone / internet telehealth services for the majority of our patients so we do not have to see them in person in order to deliver health service. We are all scrambling at this point.

However, as aforementioned, the media / provincial / federal policy have still failed to highlight the urgency of the issue. For instance, many provinces sent out a message that meetings with over 250 people should be discouraged. It should have said that any meetings should be discouraged at this point. Many people still assume that Canada is not at a critical stage because so far there has not been any confirmed “community spread” of the virus. But many fail to realize that we were not even testing for “community cases” in the first place, and do not have enough test kits to do so in the near future. People were only tested if they had symptoms + travelled to high risk areas or have been in contact with confirmed COVID patients. It is now even more strict because they are only testing people who meet the criteria above PLUS only those who are health care workers / reside in long term care / already hospitalized / etc. The current number of infected people only represents the tip of the iceberg.

DOCTORS ACROSS CANADA ARE PANICKING CURRENTLY. Ontario premier Doug Ford today had a press release where he said that Ontario is ready with enough supply to fight the virus. BUT I know that doctors in COVID testing centers in Ontario have been wearing the same disposable (one time use) protective yellow suit for 3 days in a row and cleaning it themselves with lysol spray. I know that no family doctor clinics have enough protective gears to last them more than a few days at most. All we can do at this point is to practice STRICT SOCIAL DISTANCING. Otherwise, this will spread quickly, and we will end up at a stage where we have to decide who gets the intensive care and who will be left on their own with little fighting chance. I pray that all of us will part take in the process.

God bless.
Dr. Lee, Y.S.

Reading the Bible in 2020!

As we enter the New Year, First Church is embarking on a journey to spend more time in the Scriptures! We have been using a variety of resources available online:

1) The Gospel Coalition: Read The Bible with TGC in 2020

2) A video on the impact of Reading the Bible 4x a time

3) The Bible Project: An incredible series of free videos on the Scriptures, Words & Themes of the Bible

If you would like to join and sign up to this challenge (whether you are reading the Bible everyday, or just a few more times a week!) email Rev. William at so that the church can keep you in their prayers on this endeavour!


Once again, Stitch & Chat is holding its Annual Christmas Bazaar, White Elephant Sale and Bake Sale on Friday, November 15 from 2:00–6:00 PM and on Saturday, November 16 from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM.  Anyone who would like to donate crafts, knitting, sewing, white elephant sale items (nearly new items, not garage sale items) or bake sale items, please contact Trish Cheshire at 705-549-5226 or Jean Hall at 705-355-0334 to arrange for drop-off or pick-up times.   Also, we need your support, so come out and enjoy the event and bring a friend.  You will find something for the whole family.

Prayer Retreat

From Sun. afternoon, Nov. 3 to Sat. morning, Nov. 9, we will be having our 8th annual Prayer Retreat at First PC. This year the theme is JOY! Those who sign up (the Retreatants) agree to meet at the church for two hours Sunday afternoon, Nov. 3, where they will learn how to Pray Scripture. They will also receive a package of material.

For 30 minutes each day following, they agree to read the four short scripture packages and meditation for that day, and to journal and pray about anything they found interesting in the material. Then each day, the Retreatants will come to church for a 30-minute session with a Companion trained in listening and in helping them to see God's hand at work. These sessions are held at times that are convenient for the Retreatants.

Saturday morning, Nov. 9, the week will conclude with a potluck breakfast, worship and communion. Please give prayerful thought to participating. You are welcome whether or not you have ever prayed before. All you need is a sincere desire to come closer to God. Application forms are in the Sunday leaflet. Questions? Speak to Donna Drapkin (705-533-2339) or .

Samaritan's Purse: Operation Christmas Child

Every year First Church participates in this important ministry.
This is an excerpt taken from the Operation Christmas Child website:

Operation Christmas Child is a hands-on way for Canadians to bless struggling children in the developing world by filling shoeboxes with toys, hygiene items, school supplies, and other items. We collect the boxes and distribute them in the name of Jesus Christ to children living in desperate situations.

Operation Christmas Child is an important way to remind children suffering as a result of war, poverty, famine, disease, and disaster that they are loved and not forgotten. Each year, millions of shoeboxes are packed with gifts by people in Canada and nine other “sending” countries, and given to children in more than 100 “receiving” countries.

Samaritan’s Purse shoeboxes are available for pick up and should be filled and returned to the church by Sunday, October 13th.

For more information on the ministry visit:

Update on Church House Renovations

Thanks to all who have pitched in already and for the financial assistance generously given. Together we will get this done. It is close to being complete, but helpers are still needed. The final clean-up schedule will be out soon.  If you have any questions, contact Brenda Hicks at Deep Appreciation to Brenda Hicks, who has been the project manager, lead hand, painter, ... she does it all, and we are so grateful.

Hurricaine Dorian

Thousands of homes in the Bahamas have been obliterated; tens of thousands of people need food, clean water and shelter.  The damage is massive.  If you would like to help alleviate the suffering caused by this disaster, please pray for all the victims and aid workers who are trying to survive this crisis.  In addition, you may either want to make a financial donation via an offering envelope marked “PWS&D Hurricane Dorian” or online at the PCC website.

Geoff and Lynda Woods have a friend in the Bahamas who has emailed them about the disaster and has also provided another avenue for any funds you might like to send directly: “the devastation... is unprecedented.  We expect the death toll numbers will rise considerably...Our relief and reconstruction plans are on hold until we can access Marsh Harbour.  In the meantime, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church is accepting donations online: Please help if you are able.

RightNow Media

Church family and all our visitors!

We at First Church are excited to share that our church now has access to an extensive, new video library called RightNow Media! It’s like the "Netflix of Video Bible Studies" and has a HUGE library of faith-based videos that you can access whenever and wherever you want—on your phone, iPad, computer, or at home on your TV.

Here at First, we’re always looking for ways to help you develop and strengthen your faith. We believe that RightNow Media will be a tool to serve you as you live out your faith at home, at work and in your neighborhood. RightNow Media has videos for everyone—kids, youth, parents, married couples, college students, single adults, working professionals—all aimed at helping you grow.

We will be using it for our Bible Studies and for our Sunday School, while using it to occasionally supplement our Sunday Services.

If you’re curious about this service or would like to register click here to get immediate access!

Thank you! (Church Grounds & Manse Clean-Up)

With the changing of the weather, spring cleaning is inevitable!
We want to extend a massive thank you to all who have lent their tools, trucks, shears, rakes, time, strength, hands, feet, sweat, (and possibly some blood and tears) in cleaning the church grounds and house. Many have commented how beautiful it all looks! We thank the many who have come to bless our church with this gift.

Collection of Gently Used Eyewear

The Mission Team invites you to participate in our new “Collection of Gently Used Eyewear”.   

Your kind donation of gently used eyewear will help another person in the world see more clearly. First Presbyterian Church with LensCrafters will begin to participate in the OneSight program – a family of charitable vision care programs dedicated to improving vision through outreach, research and education. Simply drop off your gently used prescription or non-prescription glasses in the foyer and we will deliver them to the LensCrafters location in Barrie.  LensCrafters will then gladly recycle and hand-deliver your used eyewear to those in need during a OneSight Global Clinic.

To learn more about OneSight, please visit the OneSight website or call OneSight at 1-888-935-4589.

Thank you for your consideration and generosity!

Thank you! (Cemetery Clean-Up)

Many people gave their mornings to come help with the annual clean-up of both the First Presbyterian and Saint Andrew’s Cemeteries. The Cemetery Committee and the church wanted to give a heartfelt thank you to every one who was able to come and participate for this important act of stewardship. With the sunshine today, the Saint Andrew’s Cemetery looked beautiful. (Only photos from the Saint Andrew’s Clean-Up are currently posted below)